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shopping cart next to a white paper bag


If you can imagine, I went out today, physically, to shop in a store called Staples. I needed some odds and ends for the office. It felt good to get out and shop in person and not online.

Now that the word line popped into my head when I had all my supplies, I went to pay and stood in line on one of those stupid little dots that everyone has with STAY SIX FEET APART. I anxiously moved up Dot after Dot after Dot only to meet with the counter person (politically correct jargon). After all my items were scanned, I kept my mouth closed; I looked at her, she looked at me; it was an old west standoff. I suppose she thought I would carry all ten items in my hands out to the car and throw them in the trunk with all the rest of my OTHER shopping (which were in BAGS). Not putting items directly into a bag is such a silly concept. I finally actually had to say, “CAN I HAVE A BAG.” I wondered, is this a Staples process? Does the executive team at Staples think that people come out and visit only their store? Is their Customer Experience Executive (more politically correct jargon) ignorant to the shopping experience?

When people come out to shop at multiple stores and have many items to carry. It would be best if you were grateful for people who came to your store and you GAVE them at the very least their FIRST BAG a paper bag for FREE. Yes, Staples, Customer Experience is a thing and it start at the door and ends out the door. #customerexperience